Bubble app creator
Bubble app creator

bubble app creator

Responsive editor: Adjust how your content appears on devices of different sizes.In fact, we have features to optimize the mobile experience on your existing Bubble app: While Bubble apps do not start off as native apps, all Bubble apps are still accessible on a mobile device through any web browser. Prepare your Bubble App for a Mobile Experience If you design a native mobile app, you can even improve the user experience by integrating mobile sensors (camera, GPS, etc.), push notifications, keyboard shortcuts, and gestures. Mobile apps that you download through your phone’s app store (Google Play Store or Apple Store) are called native apps. Learn more about web apps and how to build your first web app with Bubble. Web apps, unlike mobile apps, can be accessed on your computer and your phone through a web browser, like Safari or Chrome. In this article, we’ll discuss the different ways in which you can adapt your Bubble web app to mobile. But you might wonder how your web app would work on a mobile device. Creating a Bubble app suited for a mobile experience can help you reach more customers.īubble is a no-code platform that helps you build web applications without code. These days, users often access websites and apps through their smartphones.

Bubble app creator